Uncertainty Analysis for Forensic Science, Second Edition
- Author: Raymond M. Brach, Patrick F. Dunn
- ISBN-10: 1-933264-72-1
- ISBN-13: 978-1933264-7-21
- Copyright Date Ed: August 1, 2009
- Pages: 208 pages
- Binding Information: Softbound
- Size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
This unique book covers the fundamentals of uncertainty analysis—a tool used by engineers and scientists throughout the world to estimate uncertainty. In an increasingly complex society, it is easy to become overwhelmed by numbers and units. However, units and measurements are not meant to confuse, but to help. They were developed and designed to allow for effective communication on commercial and technical levels. The brand-new second edition of this instructive book has been geared solely towards the many legal professionals and forensic engineers who want more information on uncertainty analysis and its potential applications in the courtroom. This detailed work gives you the facts and knowledge you need. Covering a wide range of topics ranging from probability and statistical variables, mathematical relationships and equations, to sensitivity and design of experiments, Uncertainty Analysis for Forensic Science, Second Edition serves to enlighten, inform and familiarize you with these particular ideas by applying scientific and medical knowledge to legal matters, giving you an edge in the courtroom. This new edition has been modified and expanded with more case study examples and analysis.
Topics Include:
- Unit systems
- SI Standard
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Table of Contents:
1. Introduction
2. Units, Dimensions, Significant Figures and Calculations
2.1 Chapter Overview
2.2 A Brief History of English and Metric Systems
2.3 Systems of Units
2.4 SI Standards
2.5 Conversions between Technical English and SI
2.6 Prefixes
2.7 Significant Figures
3. Probability and Statistics
3.1 Chapter Overview
3.2 Basic Concepts in Probability
3.3 Sample versus Population
3.4 Plotting Statistical Information
3.5 The Probability Density Function
3.6 Central Moments
3.7 The Probability Distribution Function
3.8 Various Probability Density Functions
3.9 Normalized Variables
3.10 Student∂s t Distribution
3.11 The Standard Deviation of the Means
3.12 Pooling Samples
3.13 The Chi-Square Distribution
4. Uncertainty Analysis
4.1 Uncertainty
4.2 Comparing Theory and Measurement
4.3 Uncertainty as an Estimated Variance
4.4 Systematic and Random Errors
4.5 Measurement Process Errors
4.6 Quantifying Uncertainties
4.7 Measurement Uncertainty Analysis
4.8 General Uncertainty Analysis
4.9 Detailed Uncertainty Analysis
4.10 Uncertainty Analysis Summary
4.11 Finite-Difference Uncertainties
4.12 Interval Uncertainty
5. Uncertainty Analysis Using Statistics
5.1 Chapter Overview
5.2 Mathematical Relationships
5.3 Equations that Relate Statistical Variables Linearly
5.4 Statistical Variables Related Nonlinearly‹Approximate Relationships
5.5 Monte Carlo Analysis
5.6 Mean and Variance of Related Variables
6. Sensitivity and Design of Experiments
6.1 Chapter Overview
6.2 Background on the Design of Experiments
6.3 Basics of Design of Experiments
6.4 Factorial Design and Main Effects
6.5 Response Surface and Sensitivity
6.6 Significance of Results of a Factorial Design
6.7 Full Factorial Designs
6.8 Fractional Factorial Designs
6.9 Calculation of the Sums of Squares of Main Effects and Interactions
Appendix A. Unit Conversions for Common Units
Appendix B. Normal Probability Graphs