Innkeeper's Liability Management
Authors: Gary M. Bakken and Jon R. Abele
ISBN 10: 0-913875-06-6
ISBN 13: 978-0-913875-06-3
Copyright Date Ed: April 2, 1995
Pages: 448 pages
Binding Information: Hardcover
- Size: 6 ✕ 9 Inches (US)
This text will help innkeepers minimize accidents and avoid devastating losses.
A must have for anyone in the hotel and motel business, the attorneys who represent them, the attorneys whose clients are injured, and engineers.
You've heard the horror stories: tragic accidents at inns, with ensuing litigation that drives them out of business. Security problems at big-city hotels resulting in expensive lawsuits and horrendous publicity. Could these tragedies happen to you? Have your colleagues or clients already been victims of such devastation? Incidents like these occur far too frequently, largely because innkeeper's liability has been a confusing area of the law...until now.
If you own or manage a hotel or motel, you'll find the 100 pages of checklists useful when evaluating your guests' safety and comfort.
This book is also available as an eBook. Click here to purchase and download:
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Toward a More Positive, Profitable Cash Flow
Chapter 2: Two Systems and the Inn-Dividual Interface
Chapter 3: Understanding Inn-Dividuals
Chapter 4: Guest Types, Duty of Care, Preventing Liability
Chapter 5: The Plaintiff's Case
Chapter 6: Investigating Guest Liabilities
Chapter 7: Calling in the Experts
Chapter 8: Law, Codes and Standards
Chapter 9: Effective Guest Liability Education
Chapter 10: "The Walkabout" ... An Enlightening Experience
System Safety
Human Factors
Walking Surface Issues
Facility Lighting
Guest Rooms
Swimming Pools