Guide for Assessing Hospital Liability PDF eBook
- Author: Pat Cornelison
- ISBN 10: 1-933264-47-0
- ISBN 13: 978-1-933264-47-9
- Copyright Date Ed: February 1, 2008
- Pages: 165 pages
- PDF eBook
This book guides attorneys, hospital executives, or any professionals involved in hospital liability cases, through the intricacies of hospital liability.
Attorneys with little exposure to or understanding of the complexities of the hospital industry prior to handling cases arising from care or treatment provided in the hospital setting may feel as though they’ve wandered into a multifaceted maze. Even hospital owners and administrators may not fully appreciate or fully understand the magnitude of laws, codes, rules, regulations and standards that govern hospitals today, and how they affect them in a liability case.
Guide for Assessing Hospital Liability examines legal challenges confronting hospitals, provides insight into basic hospital organization and governance, and recommends practical strategies for comprehensive assessment of hospital liability, risk, vulnerability or responsibility. No other book presents such a straightforward discussion of how hospitals actually work or should work, in such an easily understood manner, regardless of experience, exposure or expertise.
Author Pat Cornelison (d. 2009), a former hospital CEO and management and forensic consultant, offers an insider’s view, with the knowledge and understanding required to provide effective strategies for those investigating, prosecuting or defending hospital liability cases.
Topics Include:
- History of hospital liability
- Hospital culture
- Hospital regulatory law
- Hospital governance
- Hospital management
- The medical staff
- Medical staff bylaws
- Collaborative leadership
- Hospital communications
- Assessing liability, risk, vulnerability and responsibility
- Hospital liability litigation
Table of Contents:
Section 1. From Absolute Immunity to Multi-Dimensional Liability: How Did We Get Here?
Section 2. Hospital Culture: What Defines It?
Section 3. Hospital Regulatory Law: Who’s the Boss?
Section 4. Hospital Governance: Where Does the Buck Stop?
Section 5. Hospital Management: Who’s Who and What Do They Do?
Section 6. The Organized Medical Staff: How Organized Is It?
Section 7. Medical Staff Bylaws: Are They Law?
Section 8. Physician v. Hospital: Does the Hospital Always Win?
Section 9. Collaborative Hospital Leadership: Is It?
Section 10. Policies, Procedures, Protocols, Rules, and Regulations: Do They Practice What They Preach?
Section 11. Hospitals Don’t Practice Medicine: Do They?
Section 12. Hospital Communications: Will Their Words Come Back to Haunt Them?
Section 13. Selected Cases: Might They Apply to Hospitals?
Section 14. Assessing Liability, Risk, Vulnerability and Responsibility in Litigation and Defense: Guilty as Charged?
Section 15. Resources: What Should Be In Your Libraries, Real and Virtual?