Forensic Science Today Instructor's Companion, Third Edition
- Author: Henry C. Lee, George Taft, Kimberly A. Ellis, Jeanette Hencken
- ISBN 10: 1-936360-85-3
- ISBN 13: 978-1-936360-85-7
- Copyright Date Ed: September 15, 2021
- Pages: 272 pages
- Binding Information: Paperback with CD
- Size: 8.5 ✕ 11 Inches (US)
Forensic Science Today Instructor’s Companion, Third Edition, encourages students to think critically and learn problem solving skills while exploring many of the skills required in the various disciplines of forensic science. This Instructor’s Companion is an exceptional choice for college, law enforcement, and upper division high school courses as an introduction to forensic science. Written by the world’s most prominent forensic scientists, experts, and educators, Forensic Science Today Instructor’s Companion, Third Edition gives students numerous hands-on labs and activities to explore the fascinating world of forensic science, and is an invaluable resource for instructors. This excellent book has been revised and updated to address the current National Institute of Science and Technology and FBI standards for forensic science. Scientific and forensic concepts are taught in unique and exciting ways that are practical and meaningful to the student. The chapters and sections correlate with the Forensic Science Today Third Edition student texts but can be used with any forensic science textbook in order to enhance student learning and meet the needs of their teachers.
This outstanding instructional package has two components. The first is an Instructor’s Companion that provides review and test questions, labs, classroom activities, research projects, and virtual learning suggestions. The second is a valuable Instructor’s Companion on DVD filled with editable worksheets, PowerPoint presentations, lab activities, classroom projects, exams, and teaching standards for each chapter that correlate with the Next Generation Science Standards and the Common Core English Language and Mathematics Standards along with useful resources and materials for enhancing the classroom environment and reinforcing student learning.
This is the book that you need to really delve into forensic science concepts and ignite curiosity in your classroom.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction to the World of Forensic Science and Criminalistics
Chapter 2 Crime Scene Investigation: Basic Concepts
Chapter 3 Crime Scene Investigation: Physical Evidence
Chapter 4 Fingerprints
Chapter 5 Trace Evidence
Chapter 6 Drug Evidence
Chapter 7 Forensic Serology
Chapter 8 DNA Evidence
Chapter 9 Bloodstain Patterns
Chapter 10 Document Examination
Chapter 11 Imprints and Impressions
Chapter 12 Toolmark and Firearm Evidence
Chapter 13 Fire and Arson Evidence
Chapter 14 Chemical Evidence
Chapter 15 Computer Digital Evidence
Chapter 16 Forensic Art
Chapter 17 Forensic Pathology
Chapter 18 Forensic Toxicology
Chapter 19 Forensic Anthropology
Chapter 20 Forensic Entomology
Chapter 21 Crime Scene Reconstruction
Chapter 22 More Forensic Science
Instructor's Companion DVD with PowerPoints, labs, projects, tests, virtual lessons, science standards and other resources.