Nursing Malpractice Third Edition CD-ROM
This is a CD-ROM containing PDF documents of the book.
An outstanding reference for the attorney, legal nurse consultant, insurance claim adjuster, healthcare risk manager, or healthcare facility leader involved in a nursing malpractice claim, the third edition of Nursing Malpractice brings you a wealth of information and resources for your case. This extensively revised and updated edition of a classic covers the spectrum of the nursing process—from patient admittance to lawsuit. Packed with tips and techniques this volume reveals typical ways in which nurses try to cover up their mistakes, shows how nurses are caught in a difficult position between the insurance company lawyers and hospital procedures, and gives a comprehensive overview of nursing responsibilities.
Nursing Malpractice, Third Edition is divided into seven sections to assist you in locating the information you need, when you need it. Part One—Patient Safety presents a comprehensive look at medical errors, the factors that influence them, risk reduction programs, and patient safety goals. Part Two—Nursing Practice discusses nursing practice and documentation including nursing and employment law and today’s healthcare environment including new methods of keeping records and current privacy issues. Part Three—Common Areas of Nursing Liability is a comprehensive overview of clinical nursing liability areas including new sections on orthopedics, neurology, assisted living, managed care, and emergency medical services. Part Four—Advanced Roles discusses two areas of advanced practice nursing: the nurse anesthetist and the nurse midwife. Part Five—Causes of Action examines sources of liability within nursing practice. New chapters are devoted to nosocomial infections, intravenous therapy and wounds. Another new chapter deals with criminal and liability issues with nurse serial killers. Part Six-Damages addresses the impact of injuries on the patient’s future. This section includes areas such as current and future medical needs, vocational issues, economic losses, and pain and suffering. Part Seven—Litigation of Nursing Malpractice Claims focuses on the legal process from the point of view attorneys for both the plaintiff and defense. It also covers screening nursing malpractice cases, working with insurance claims adjusters, working with other experts, trial themes and techniques, and jury consulting.
In short, this comprehensive CD-ROM is an excellent and important addition to your nursing malpractice library.
Topics include:
- The foundations of nursing practice
- Medical errors
- Healthcare safety and risk management
- Today’s healthcare environment
- Nursing practice
- Nursing and employment law
- Nursing documentation
- Obstetrical malpractice issues
- Neonatal and pediatric malpractice issues
- Emergency care malpractice issues
- Critical care malpractice issues
- Perioperative malpractice issues
- Nurse anesthesia malpractice issues
- Nurse midwife malpractice issues
- Psychiatric malpractice issues
- Medical surgical malpractice issues
- Subacute and long term care malpractice issues
- Assisted living malpractice issues
- Managed care malpractice issues
- Home care malpractice issues
- Medication errors
- Infections in healthcare settings
- Intravenous therapy malpractice issues
- Wound treatment malpractice issues
- Pain and suffering malpractice issues
- Healthcare fraud and nursing
- Nurses serial killers
- Lifecare planning
- Working with vocational experts
- Working with economic experts
- Working with expert witnesses
- Working with Insurance adjusters
- Working with legal nurse consultants
- Screening cases
- The plaintiff attorney's perspective
- The defense attorney's perspective
- Working with the jury
- Demonstrative evidence
- Themes for nursing malpractice cases
- Trial techniques
- Understanding medical terminology