Secrets of the Energized Business
- Author: Ivan Blostone, Joyce Abbott
- ISBN-10: 1-930056-29-X
- ISBN-13: 978-1-930056-29-9
- Copyright Date Ed: June 15, 2001
- Pages: 80
- Language: English
- Binding Information: Paperback
- Product Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches (US)
The single most important difference between businesses that "succeed" and those that "fail" is the human factor, and that is what this book is all about. It particularly supports those who are willing to consider that to succeed in business requires an "ENERGIZED," solid foundation of here-to-stay, self-directed teams driven by vision and missions, understanding people, values-based leadership and effective support systems--all based on the premise that leadership is no longer about issuing instructions but about releasing other people's energies.
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