Medical & Expense Diary Journals
A frequently encountered problem in handling personal injury cases is getting a client's full cooperation in supplying complete information. If the waiting time to try a personal injury case is long, the chance of your client forgetting details and losing records is high. You can help your clients remember important facts of the case by giving them a Personal Medical and Expense Diary-Journal. With the Diary-Journal you get all the information you need logged into one convenient booklet. Each section is headed by examples to show what kind of information is wanted and how to record it. There are places for all damage and expense factors. The big advantage of using the Diary-Journal is the hours of your time released from the tedious task of uncovering all of the facts and reconstructing the damage items you need. And, you will recover many times over the small cost of all the Diary-Journals you are likely to use in a year, just in the time saved from a few cases.
Sold in packaged units. Qty.1 = Ten booklets per package.