Texas DWI Defense: The Law and Practice, Second Edition with DVD
- Author: Mimi Coffey & James Nesci
- ISBN 10: 1-936360-64-0
- ISBN 13: 978-1-936360-64-2
- Copyright Date Ed: May 1, 2018
- Pages: 496 pages
- Binding Information: Hardcover
- Size: 8.5 ✕ 11 Inches (US)
For even the most seasoned attorney admitted to practice in the State of Texas, defending DWI cases has always presented special challenges. Today mounting a successful defense is more difficult than ever. Now you have the advantage with Texas DWI Defense: The Law and Practice, 2nd Edition. This text and supplementary DVD contains the most important information to help you win your case. Written by Mimi Coffey and James Nesci, Board Certified by the National College for DUI Defense, Texas DWI Defense: The Law and Practice, 2nd Edition ensures that you understand the chemical, biological, and technological concepts and issues underlying DWI prosecution and defense in the State of Texas.
The Second Edition is expanded and includes over 900 case citations, accident reconstruction, collateral consequences, and revised and expanded sections on the Texas Department of Public Safety, motions in limine, sentencing, field sobriety testing (2015 FST Manuals), blood testing uncertainty, boating and flying under the influence, the latest Texas statutes, and more, making this text the most important book to have with you in all phases of a DWI case, from investigation to trial.
The DVD includes the 2007 and 2015 ARIDE Instructor and Student Manuals with the ARIDE Powerpoint presentation, Sixteen DRE Manuals from 1989 through 2015, NHTSA Driving Cues Manuals, eighteen SFST Manuals from 1980 through 2015, NHTSA validation studies, NHTSA videos and more.
Many practical tools and applications designed to streamline and simplify the complex DWI defense process have been developed along with this book. They are all included on a bonus DVD--so you can locate, review and print them out in a matter of seconds. The companion DVD for the fourth edition contains all new material, including the NHTSA 2015 SFST and DRE Manuals, studies, articles, and Texas law and procedure.
Included are the NHTSA Student & Instructor Manuals, the DRE pre-School & DRE School Manuals, and the ARIDE--the latest edition from NHTSA! Some vendors sell these together for $400 or more. They are all included on the DVD at no extra cost.
Chapters include:
- UPDATED! Chapter 1: Lawyer Advertising
- NEW! Chapter 2: Basic Client Relations
- NEW! Chapter 3: Driving, Boating, & Flying While Intoxicated
- UPDATED! Chapter 4: Texas Department of Public Safety and the Administrative License Revocation Program
- UPDATED! Chapter 5: Pre-Trial Investigations
- UPDATED! Chapter 6: Pre-Trial Motions Practice
- UPDATED! Chapter 7: Plea Offers, Collateral Consequences & Sentencing Hearings
- UPDATED! Chapter 8: Trial
- UPDATED! Chapter 9: DWI Investigations: Driving and Field Sobriety Testing
- UPDATED! Chapter 10: Drug Recognition Evaluation
- UPDATED! Chapter 11: Chemical Testing
- UPDATED! Chapter 12: Blood Alcohol Calculations for Attorneys
- UPDATED! Chapter 13: Expert Witnesses
- UPDATED! Chapter 14: DWI Trial Warpack—Texas Case Law A to Z
- Appendix A: Checklists
- Appendix B: The Aging Process and Field Sobriety Tests by Mimi Coffey, Esq.
- Appendix C: DWI—Modern Day Salem Witch Hunts by Mimi Coffey, Esq.
- NEW! Appendix D: The Fallacy of the Police Administered ‘Finger to Nose’ Test to Determine Alcoholic Sobriety by Patrick Mahaney, Jimmie L. Valentine, and Valerie Valentine Acevedo
- Appendix E: DWI—Fear and the DWI Field Sobriety Tests by Mimi Coffey, Esq.
- Appendix F: Business Records Affidavits
- UPDATED! Appendix G: Blood Testing
- UPDATED! Appendix H: Automatism
- UPDATED! Appendix I: Administrative License Revocation (ALR) Hearings and Occupational Driver’s Licenses
- UPDATED! Appendix J: Pre-Trial Motions
- NEW! Appendix K: Overcoming Criminal Inadmissibility to Canada by Marisa Feil
- NEW! Appendix L: An Attorney’s Guide To Accident Investigation by Daniel R. Billington II (ACTAR #1913) & Kevin Homan
DVD Materials include:
- NHTSA Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) Manuals 2007, 2013, Instructor Guide, PowerPoint Presentation and SFST Videos
- Automobile & Motorcyclist Pamphlets
- AZDPS Blood Alcohol Testing Uncertainty Budget
- NHTSA Drug Recognition Expert Course (DRE) 7-Day School 2013
- NHTSA Improved Sobriety Testing
- NHTSA DWI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Manuals: 1980, 1983, 1984, 1987, 1992, 1995, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2013, 2015
- Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Validation Studies: 1979, 1981, 1983, Florida, Colorado, San Diego & Marine Environment Study
- DRE Manuals: 1989, 1991, 1993, 1999, 2004, 2006, 2010, 2013, 2015
- DPS Lab Testing Protocols & Master Uncertainty Budget
- Complete MVD Materials
- NHTSA DUI Roadblock Video & both Driving Cues Videos
- And more!
Table of Contents
Tables of Cases
How to Use This Book
Chapter 1. Lawyer Advertising
1.1 Ethical Issues in Advertising
Rule 7.01 Firm Names & Letterhead
Rule 7.02 Communications Concerning a Lawyer’s Services
Rule 7.03 Prohibited Solicitations & Payments
Rule 7.04 Advertisements in the Public Media
Rule 7.05 Direct Mail (Written, Electronic or Digital)
Rule 7.06 Prohibited Employment
Rule 7.07 Filing Requirements for Public Advertisement
1.2 Advertising Resources
A. Phone Book Advertising
B. Internet Advertising
C. Giveaways
D. Television
E. Print Advertising
1.3 Marketing Advice
A. Tiftickjian’s Ten Marketing Tips to Build a Better Practice and Life
1.4 Social Media
A. Ethical Concerns
B. Confidentiality vs. Privilege
C. The 3 Tenets of Social Media: Timeliness, Honesty, and Transparency
D. Facebook
E. Twitter
F. Social Media as a Research Tool
G. Final Thoughts on Social Media
Chapter 2. Basic Client Relations
2.1 Meeting the Prospective Client
2.2 Client Intake Questions
2.3 Client Intake Interview
2.4 Fee Agreements
2.5 Fees
2.6 Trust Accounts
2.7 Communication
2.8 Client File Retention
Chapter 3. Driving, Boating, & Flying While Intoxicated
3.1 Definitions
3.2 Public Intoxication
3.3 Possession of Alcoholic Beverage in Motor Vehicle
3.4 Driving While Intoxicated
3.5 Driving While Intoxicated with Child Passenger
3.6 Flying While Intoxicated
3.7 Boating While Intoxicated
3.8 Assembling Or Operating An Amusement Ride While Intoxicated
3.9 Intoxication Assault
3.10 Intoxication Manslaughter
3.11 Enhanced Offenses and Penalties
3.12 Defenses
3.13 Mental State
3.14 Applicability
Chapter 4. Texas Department of Public Safety and the Administrative License Revocation Program
4.1 Overview
4.2 The Request for the Specimen
4.3 Notice of Suspension/Temporary Driving Permit
4.4 The Administrative Hearing
A. Receiving Discovery Materials
B. Reviewing Discovery Material and the Hearing
C. Requesting Witnesses
D. The Decision
E. The Appeal
F. The Stay of Suspension
4.5 The Administrative License Suspension
A. Obtaining an Occupational Driver’s License (ODL)
B. Driving on a Suspended License Defined and Consequences
C. Effect of Disposition of Criminal Charge on Driver’s License Suspension
D. Reinstatement Fees after the ALR Suspension
4.6 Minors and License Suspensions
A. Minor Detectable or Failure—Minor Means Any Individual under 21 Years of Age
B. Minor Refusal
C. Minor DWI Conviction
4.7 Commercial Driver License Disqualifications
4.8 Ignition Interlock Devices
4.9 Out-of-State Licensees
4.10 Suspension for Out-Of-State Violations
4.11 Validity of Out-of-State Licenses
Chapter 5. Pre-Trial Investigations
5.1 Overview
5.2 Proper Filing Techniques
5.3 Visiting the Scene
5.4 Photography and Videos
5.5 Diagrams and Aerial Photography
5.6 Accident Reconstruction
5.7 Event Data Recorders (Black Boxes)
5.8 Police Radio Codes
5.9 Pre-Trial Interviews
Chapter 6. Pre-Trial Motions Practice
6.1 Overview
6.2 Procedural Motions
6.3 Substantive Motions
6.4 Motions in Limine
6.5 Evidentiary Hearings
Endnotes to “Unjust Courtroom Practices: Always Seating the Prosecution Closest to the Jury”
Chapter 7. Plea Offers, Collateral Consequences & Sentencing Hearings
7.1 Overview
7.2 Waiver of Rights
7.3 Collateral Consequences
7.4 Exposure of Prior Offenses
7.5 Interlock
7.6 Standard Conditions of Probation
7.7 Restitution
7.8 Misdemeanor Plea Offers
7.9 Representing the Military Client for DWI
7.10 Pilots and Merchant Marines
7.11 Non U.S. Citizens—Immigration Consequences
7.12 Canadian Travel
Chapter 8. Trial
8.1 Overview
8.2 Voir Dire and Jury Selection
8.3 Jury Instructions
8.4 Opening Statements
8.5 Cross-Examination
8.6 Direct Examination
8.7 Closing Argument
8.8 Sentencing
8.9 Prior Bad Acts
8.10 Alternative Defenses—Necessity Defense
Chapter 9. DWI Investigations: Driving and Field Sobriety Testing
9.1 Overview: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
9.2 Driving Behavior
9.3 Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST) Validation Studies
9.4 Analysis and Summary of the SFST Validation Studies
9.5 Standardized Field Sobriety Test Battery
9.6 Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN)
9.7 Walk and Turn
9.8 One-Leg-Stand
9.9 Commonly Used Non-Standardized/Non-Validated Field Sobriety Tests
9.10 Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE)
9.11 Field Sobriety Testing in the Marine Environment
9.12 Videotaping the Driving and Investigation
Chapter 10. Drug Recognition Evaluation
10.1 Overview
10.2 DRE Nationwide Law Comparison
10.3 DRE Admissibility Case Law
10.4 The 12-Step DRE Protocol
10.5 Deconstruction and Analysis of the 12-Step DRE Protocol
10.6 Effects of Various Drugs
10.7 Drug Evaluation Classification Protocol (DECP) Training Program
10.8 Texas DWI-Drug Statutes
Chapter 11. Chemical Testing
11.1 Henry’s Law and the Blood-to-Breath Ratio
11.2 Federal Register
11.3 Portable Breath Testing
11.4 PBT Safeguards
11.5 PBT Devices
11.6 Evidential Breath Testing
11.7 Infrared Light Absorption
11.8 Basic Operation
11.9 Intoxilyzer Printouts
11.10 Breath Testing: Methods of Attack
11.11 Calibration
11.12 Blood Testing: From the Vein to the Lab
11.13 Headspace Gas Chromatography
11.14 Uncertainty of Measurement
11.15 Blood Testing For Drugs
11.16 Blood Specimens
Chapter 12. Blood Alcohol Calculations for Attorneys
12.1 Blood Alcohol Calculations for Attorneys
12.2 Determining the One-Drink Potential
12.3 Elimination and Retrograde Extrapolation
12.4 White’s Retrograde Extrapolation
12.5 Partition Ratio Conversions
12.6 Unit Conversions
12.7 Temperature Conversions
Chapter 13. Expert Witnesses
13.1 Overview
13.2 Pretrial Preparation
13.3 Direct Examination of the Defense Expert Witness
13.4 Cross of the State’s Expert Witness
13.5 Direct Examination of the State’s Expert as a Defense Witness
13.6 Notice Requirements and Disclosure
13.7 Admissibility of Retrograde Extrapolation
Chapter 14. DWI Trial Warpack—Texas Case Law A to Z
A. Arrest—Quotas
A. Arrest—Parameters of Federal Case Law
B. Bench Trial—Jeopardy
B. Blood Test—Evidence of Refusal
B. Breath Test Admissibility
B. Breath Test—Refusal and Right to Counsel
C. Character Evidence
C. Cop—Prejudice Favor
C. Cop Testimony—Intoxilyzer Machine
D. Demonstrative
E. Encounter
E. Expert Testimony—Based on Hypothetical Questions
F. Failure to Testify
F. Field Tests—Incrimination
H. Handcuffing—State Can’t Show Defendant…
H. HGN—Qualitative and Not Quantitative Purposes
H. HGN—Officer Not Certified
H. HGN—Expert Opinion
H. HGN—Reliability of Application
I. Impeachment
I. Improper Judicial Comments
I. In Court Demonstration
I. Intoxilyzer Operator—Certification
I. Intoxilyzer—Alcohol Opinion
M. Miranda
P. Prosecutors—Arguments
P. Prosecutorial Misconduct
R. Retrograde Extrapolation
R. Reputation for Sobriety
R. Rule: The Witness Rule
S. Subpoenas—Subject to Witness Being Present
T. Test—Multiple
T. Test Refusal and Privilege Against Compulsory Self-Incrimination
V. Video Evidence
V. Voir Dire—Commitment Questions
W. Witness Bolstering by Prosecution
W. Witness—Sanctions
I. Affirmative Defenses
II. Corpus Delicti
Appendix A: Checklists
Appendix B: The Aging Process and Field Sobriety Tests
by Mimi Coffey, Esq.
Appendix C: DWI—Modern Day Salem Witch Hunts
by Mimi Coffey, Esq.
Appendix D: The Fallacy of the Police Administered ‘Finger to Nose’ Test to Determine Alcoholic Sobriety
by Patrick Mahaney, Jimmie L. Valentine, and Valerie Valentine Acevedo
Appendix E: DWI—Fear and the DWI Field Sobriety Tests
by Mimi Coffey, Esq.
Appendix F: Business Records Affidavits
Appendix G: Blood Testing
Appendix H: Automatism
Appendix I: Administrative License Revocation (ALR) Hearings and Occupational Driver’s Licenses
Appendix J: Pre-Trial Motions
Appendix K: Overcoming Criminal Inadmissibility to Canada
by Marisa Feil
Appendix L: An Attorney’s Guide To Accident Investigation
by Daniel R. Billington II (ACTAR #1913) & Kevin Homan
About the Authors